Tuesday 10 April 2012

So the thing about Sarah is.....

Well today I decided to create a blog, yes a blog. I have never really understood these things but I'm going to give it a go anyway :)

I'm Sarah, I'm 24. My nickname is SozzleStar or Sozzle. It was given to me by a very close friend of mine, always saying that I was "sozzled" on a night out, she then started calling me wee sozzle star and it has stuck every since, wee drunken star ;)

I'm a mummy to my 3 year old daughter, Camryn. She's a little madam, very intelligent, I forget how old she is sometimes as it's like having a conversation with a teenager!

I have been with my other half, Michael since 2006. We got engaged in 2010/2011, he proposed 31.12.10 and I said "yes" on 01.01.2011 :) We have so much in common, though we can be total opposites at times. Never met a guy who can make my blood boil and my heart skip a beat at the same time.

After several years of battling with my weight, constantly thinking I was fat, yes even at 15 when I was 10st! I decided that it was MY time, I had to loss weight for ME and no one else. Michael constantly tells me that I am beautiful, but you know I don't think I have ever believed him, until now.

I was always between 11st 7lbs and 12st 7lbs, I suffered from depression and the age of 18 and found comfort in food, though still stayed around that weight, I think that was due to partying every weekend! In 2008 I fell pregnant with our daughter and went from 12st 7lbs to 13st 7lbs. I had a great pregnancy, though was sick morning,noon and night up until 6/7 months gone. Had a not too bad labour (how good can it get?) I never had any "bad" feelings during my pregnancy, then as soon as she was born, I didn't feel a connection at all. I always say it was because she wasn't what I expected. Even now I still don't feel a connection with her, like I'm her mum. But its something I have to deal with and I'm taking steps to change this.

During my pregnancy I walked everywhere! Up until the week she was due I was still walking 6 miles a day. Then once I had her I soon developed post natal depression. I stayed in all day, left her in her bouncer but still breastfed. I went to the doctor and told him how I felt, told him I felt like a machine to her and not a mum. He said "well that is all you are to her"

I have been on and off anti-d's for a few years now, I got engaged and we thought this is finally our year we are going to be happy. We then discovered some problems with my parents and my Dad suffered a major stroke which left him paralysed down his right side. We didn't know if he would survive or not. During this time I did what I done best which was ate. It's how I coped with it. It's a year tomorrow since my Dad's stroke and he is coping really well, coming along leaps and bounds :)

In January I decided this was my year! I had spent the past couple of years helping my family and it had taken its toll on me. 4th January I decided to join a local weight loss group, the class manager, Michelle was lovely. Looking threw the diet plans I started to realise I could do this.

I returned to my class a week later and I had lost 6lbs! I could not believe it! Why did I never try this before!!!

So now you know quite a bit about me, I hope you continue to read on about my weight loss journey and I may possibly inspire you to do the same :)

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