Thursday 12 April 2012

And The 2 Stone Is Gone!

That's right I have finally lost 2 stone :) Lost 1lb this week, I wasn't caring what I lost as long as I hit the 2stone mark lol Lost some inches as well which I am really pleased with. My next target is 13st 7lbs, I am still aiming for 12st by July, but we shall see ;)

This week I really am going to give it my all, have feeling like I haven't been drinking water as much as I used to. I was drinking over 2 litres each day, now I am lucky if it's a litre! So really getting my head back in the game this week. I also start my new job next Monday, I'm really nervous about it and I am a bit worried how my eating is going to be, but it is only 4 hours a day, so I don't think it will do much harm. I used to work 10 hour days and would eat just for quickness, then got my head in the game and was eating more than my 5 a day lol

This week I also started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, most of you may or may not know who she is, she is the female trainer on the biggest loser USA. She is fab! The idea is to do her DVD everyday for 30 days and lose 20lbs. The DVD incorporates strength,cardio,abs. There is alot of jumping about If I am honest, I live on a first floor flat so I have to wait until my downstairs neighbour is out before I do anything lol  There are 3 different levels as well so if you find the first level a bit easy you can always move up. I am finding it brilliant so far, Zumba was off last night due to the instructor being off sick, so I was really glad I done the DVD before hand.

Lots of walking today and better eating , not treats until after tea :)

1 comment:

  1. Really well done, Sarah! You're doing an amazing job = keep up the good work. You must be so proud... deservedly so! :)
